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Faith's House's Project: Revolutionizing Support for Sex Trafficking Survivors

Updated: May 11, 2023

Faith's House's Groundbreaking Initiative.

Sex trafficking isn't a distant issue; it's a devastating reality happening right here in the United States. The need for safe, long-term housing for survivors is acute and often unmet. Recognizing this, Faith's House, in partnership with a local developer who is remaining anonymous, is launching an innovative initiative to provide sanctuary and support for survivors of sex trafficking.

Their groundbreaking project intertwines the development of a multi-family residential complex with the establishment of Faith's House, a sanctuary designed to accommodate and support 18 women and 7 children who have survived the horrors of sex trafficking. This model, the first of its kind, embeds Faith's House within the residential complex, ensuring the provision of a safe, secure, and supportive environment for the survivors.

The genius of this approach lies in its sustainability. Revenue generated from the larger multi-family development will fund the continued operation of Faith's House, ensuring a constant and reliable source of support for the survivors. This novel framework not only addresses immediate needs but also provides a long-term solution for survivor support, offering services that include trauma counseling, medical coordination, education, vocational training, and life skills development.

Faith's House and the developer's model is more than just a project; it's a potential blueprint for similar initiatives across the country. By integrating survivor support within a larger, revenue-generating development, the need for ongoing fundraising is minimized, and the focus can remain on providing the necessary services for survivors.

Get involved today and join us in this transformative endeavor. With your support, we can change the narrative for survivors of sex trafficking, providing them with a sanctuary to heal, grow, and reclaim their lives. The change begins in our communities, and it starts with us.

CLICK HERE to donate!

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